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Closed most major Holidays, please call or text for details.

Studio     (831) 423-2532

P.O. Box C

121 & 131 Old Coast Rd.

Davenport, CA 95017

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Worlds and Gift Glass

To place an order through our web site, send us an email at and reference the item number and pattern letter when ordering. (Example: 542X = Magnolia Small Vase)

All desriptions are left to right.

All measurements provided are approximate. Each piece is handmade and may vary. Prices subject to change without notice.

World Weights

415MG - Worldweight Magnum - $1,050.00 - 7-8"D
415X - Worldweight Extra - $305.00 - 4.25"D
415 - Worldweight - $275.00 - 3.75"D
414CP - Worldweight Classic Petite - $210.00 - 3"D
415P - Worldweight Petite - $170.00 - 2.5"D
415M - Worldmarble (round bottom) - $170.00 - 1.75"D



World Weights

416 - Worldweight Iridescent - $210.00 - 3.25"D
415X - Worldweight Extra - $305.00 - 4.25"D
419 - Millennium Worldweight - $275.00 - 3.5"D







 Luminescent Worldweights

415XL – Luminescent Worldweight Extra - $305.00 - 4.25"D

415L – Luminescent Worldweight - $275.00



World and Starry Night


472 - This item is no longer available.

415S - Worldsphere with Stand - $210.00 - 2.5"D
414CP - Worldweight Classic Petite - $210.00 - 3"D
547SN - This item is no longer available.
415XLS - Worldsphere Extra Large - $390.00 - 4.25"D
414CM - World Marble Classic - $210.00 - 2.5"D
410 - Starry Night Paperweight - $190.00 - 3.5"D
415MG - Worldweight Magnum - $1,050.00 - 7-8"D
412 - Starry Night Bowl w/ Worldmarble - $275.00 - 3"H x 4"W
415LS - Worldsphere Large - $350.00 - 3.75"D
400P - Nightsky Petite Pwt - $180.00 - 2.5"D

 *Stopper height adds 3-4" to dimensions



Glass Sculptured Stands


937LC - Tall Sculptured Stand - $55.00
936LC - Large Sculptured Stand - $55.00
936SC - Small Sculptured Stand - $45.00
938SP - Small Stand for Plaque - $45.00
(on stand) 415LS - Worldshpere Large, 3.75" Diam. - $350.00

Also available: Lucite Bases (Clear Acrylic) for World Spheres




420.1 - Asst. Fruits & Vegetables - $75.00 - 3.5-4.5"L
431.1 - Asst. Saturns - $75.00 - 3"D
440.1 - Asst. Bells - $75.00 - 4"H







Abalone Set


Green Abalone Set - $725.00

Sold Individually:

Small Abalone - $170.00 - 3"H x 3.5"D
Medium Abalone - $245.00 - 3.5"H x 8"W x 9"L
Large Abalone - $315.00 - 4"H x 10"W x 12"L






Dore Pumpkins with Dark Greens Stems

462MD -Medium - $130.00 - 5"H x 4"D
462SM - Small - $110.00 - 4"H x 3.5"D







Bird’s Nests

Available in Blue Luster with Gold Interior and Gold Luster with Blue Interior. 

Approximately 4" Diameter - $200




Gold Twist Square Mini Basket

587GT – 2”x2” - $170

Also available in Translucent Green, Blue and Purple



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