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***We are now accepting appointments to visit our showroom.


Closed most major Holidays, please call or text for details.

Studio     (831) 423-2532

P.O. Box C

121 & 131 Old Coast Rd.

Davenport, CA 95017

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Welcome to Lundberg Studios

***We are open by appointment only. Advance notice is required. You may call or text 831 423 2532 to make an appointment and I will be happy to meet you there. An alternate email to reach me is

We are no longer equipped to accept credit cards but we are happy to accept cash or checks for your purchase.***

We are a premier art glass manufacturing company.  For over 47 years, we have produced some of the finest art glass of our times. Lundberg Studios is located in the small coastal town of Davenport, California. 

We began in the backyard hot shop of our late founder, James Lundberg, in 1970.  Master craftsman individually create an exquisite array of vases, scent bottles, paperweights, lighting and custom commissions.


Exclusive to Lundberg Studios, design styles range from antique to contemporary, from Tiffany to Art Deco.  Lundberg Art Glass is made entirely at the studios in Davenport on a limited production basis.  Melting all its own exotic colors, Lundberg Studios has refined the art of making quality glass by using a blend of techniques both traditional and innovative.  To own a piece of Lundberg Art Glass is to own an heirloom of tomorrow.



Upcoming Events:


 Sale & Open House-  please call for appointment




To place an order through our web site, send us an email at

and reference the item number and pattern letter when ordering. (Example: 542X = Magnolia Small Vase)

Come by the studio and browse our collection or send us an email to purchase your own piece today.